chief delegate中文什么意思

发音:   用"chief delegate"造句
  • chief:    n. 1.首领,领袖,酋长,族长。 ...
  • delegate:    n. 1.委员,代表,特派员。 2. ...
  • delegate to:    委托给
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  1. " so long as such threats of military action persist , iran has no option but ( to ) protect its security through all means possible , including protection of information which can facilitate openly stated and aggressive military objectives of the war mongers , " said the letter , signed by ali ashgar soltanieh , iran ' s chief delegate to the iaea
    维也纳,奥地利(美联社) ? ?伊朗,在一封张贴在联合国原子能机构内部网站上的机密信件里,说它害怕来自美国和以色列的攻击,因此决定停止向机构提供相关的监察信息。
  2. 1 outside company : you need original piece and this unit contract chapters that the business enterprise tax administration of provide the foreign country region registers the certificate , legal person code certificate , chief delegate certificate , the business enterprise authorization letter , managing the person at the same time have oneself valid passport or id cards and chinas drive to shine on of original piece , hand over to correspond the security deposit at the same time
    五外企公司或外企公司办事处代表处: 1外企公司:您需提供外国地区企业税务登记证法人代码证书首席代表证企业委托书的原件及本单位合同章,经办人同时出具本人有效护照或身份证及中国驾照的原件,同时交纳相应押金。


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